Breaking News

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

Brazil - Minister promises reinforcement to the fiscalization of income of scholarship holders of the ProUni

The Ministry of the Education must assist the institutions of superior education to strengthen the fiscalization of the information given for the scholarship holders to the Program University For All (ProUni). “The procedure is together with to construct to the Court of Accounts of the Union and other agencies, as the ministries of the Cities, Justice, the Farm and of the Work, a species of fine mesh to identify suspected cases, where the current income of the student is incompatible with the income declared in the ingression to the education institution”, said the minister of the education, Fernando Haddad, in this thursday, 23. The declaration was made in the same day where the TCU divulged report with the crossing of data of the ProUni, the Annual Relation of Social Information (Rais) and of the National Register of Automachine Vehicles (Renavam). The document points, among others information, that 39 pupils of the Prouni would possess luxury vehicles. “I understand this report as aid to construct a system of fiscalization of the program, being valid archives of other agencies”, affirmed Haddad. In accordance with the minister, has information of the scholarship holders who are protected by secrecy. Therefore, the Ministry of the Education directed accord proposal to the Federal Prescription so that the institution can cross given of the scholarship holders with its bank of information. The intention is that the Prescription indicates the cases suspicious to the MEC that, in turn, will notify the institutions of superior education they fiscalize so that them. In the cases where she will have discrepancy and she will be proven not the veracity of the given information, the students can lose the stock market. “More than what this, in the fraud cases, the Public prosecution service must be informed so that has compensation of the values improperly received”, it completed Haddad.O minister standed out that one of the objectives of the Prouni is exactly that the pupil improves its socioeconômicas conditions and does not depend governmental support more than. “It is natural that third a room or pupil year of the program has a job, a period of training, has more favorable socioeconômicas conditions, but this cannot conflict with the ingression information”, said the minister. In relation to the report of the TCU, the minister informed that the majority of the vehicles indicated in the document popular motorcycles of low piston displacements and cars are. “However he has 39 cases pointed for the court of luxury vehicles. Already we receive reply from 10 cases where the pupils had been off.” The too much pupils will be notified to give clarifications.
News article TVMEC: Rodrigo Lins

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